News On Topic ext-800x475 Most Powerful Women in the world News Women

There are women whose contributions means a lot to the world. These women have proven that they have what it takes to rule the world. As they have had to face many challenges and especially gender discrimination as these fields are mainly held by their male counterparts.

These are the Most Powerful Women in the world.

Angela Merkel

Angela Dorothea Merkel is the most powerful woman in the world. She is a German politician .She born on the 17th of July 1954 in Hamburg, West Germany. Merkel is the German chancellor. She had a doctorate in quantum chemistry in 1986.

She studied physics from 1973 to 1978 at the University of Leipzig. Merkel became a politician in the year 1989. Merkel has also been the leader of the Christian Democratic Union since the year 2000. She has also been the minister for women and youth. Her estimated net worth is $11.5 million.

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Angela Merkel


Hillary Clinton

Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton born on the 26th of October, 1974. She is an American politician and the second most powerful woman in the world. She is a graduate of the Wellesley College in the year 1969. In 1973, she attended the law school at Yale.

Hillary was the First Lady of the United States from the year 1993 to 2001. She greatly supported equality in gender and also changes in the health sector. Hillary is also the first female to become a senator in New York. Her current net worth is at an approximate $45 Million.

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Hillary Clinton


Janet Yellen

Janet Louise Yellen is the 3rd most powerful woman in the world. She born on the 13th of August 1964.She is an American economist. She attended the Pembroke College at Brown University.

Yellen also has a Ph. D in economics from the University of Yale in the year 1971. Yellen is the chairwoman of the Federal Reserve System. Her estimated net worth is $13 million.

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Janet Yellen


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